Sunday, May 8, 2011

my mother.

Today is for my mother...the woman who stayed up nearly all night sewing a 'dress-up' dress for me, the woman who braided my hair and fluffed my bangs, the woman whose smile always greeted me when I woke up and blessed me before I went to bed, the woman who played competitive games and read enriching literature endlessly, the woman who took us on adventurous road trips, the woman who revels in traditions to celebrate the specialness of life, the woman who values my company and cherishes my heart, the woman who pursues heaven with reckless abandon, the woman who faithfully chronicled all our precious childhood moments in videos and photos, the woman who wrote me letters and journals of encouragement, the woman who taught me in patience when I wanted to give up, the woman who discovered new and inventive ways to teach us, the woman who makes yummy treats and watches fun movies with me, the woman who often fixes my heart when it's broken or situations out of my control, the woman who is practical, refreshingly organized and accomplished, the woman who takes me out on weekends alone, the woman who intently listens to my stories and takes joy in my accomplishments, the woman who is always hospitable and thoughtful to others, the woman who loves and honors my dad, and the woman who lifts me up in prayer and directs me to my heavenly Father.

Thank you for being my darling mother, the one who has gifted me with a scope of the world that is full and enriching, for pouring worth into my heart, and for loving me with a sacrificial love. It is because of you that I have the confidence to be the lady God desires, and it is by your example that I seek to grow in His grace. I'm so proud to be your daughter, and I hope with all my heart to be a blessing to you today and everyday that you are mine.