Tuesday, April 20, 2010

katie, calamari, and hagen daz bars

Saturday night, Shelby, Erica and I drove down to meet Katie at Balboa for dinner. It was tonic to my missing-Katie heart. How wonderful and refreshing it was to spend the evening with someone who is so thoroughly embedded in my childhood memories. Not only was it good to see her, but it was wonderful visiting Balboa again, a memory bearer for sure. As we slowly made our way up the boardwalk of the Island, enraptured by the sailboats, quietly lapping waves, and breezy New England-esque houses on the waterfront, I was so full of contentment, as the girls chattered on. We ate at a romantic Italian restaurant, split a few dishes, caught up on on everyone's life, and ended the night in the Stater Brother's parking lot, cuddled in the car, with Hagen Daaz bars. It was a breath of the past and quite lovely, really.

1 comment:

  1. I love, love love you all intensely! wish I could have been there, thanks for blogging
